GBH Breaks the Story On My Opponent's False Endorsement Claims, GOTV Time, Party Tuesday Night!

WGBH breaks story about Delaney dubious endorsement claims

I have heard my opponent state falsely several times now that she was endorsed by Congressman Jim McGovern, and I’ve known that she falsely lists him along with Democratic candidate for Auditor Chris Dempsey on her website as endorsers. And I have known that Congressman McGovern specifically asked her to remove the false endorsement from her website and that she had not. Today, GBH reporter Adam Reilly got the story. Read to see Congressman McGovern and Chris Dempsey’s statements, as well as mine.

Truthfulness in candidates and elected officials is the foundation of a stable democracy. Voters must know the facts about candidates and the work they do. It is an unconscionable violation of the public trust to lie about a member of Congress and a candidate for statewide office, as it spreads a falsehood about the alleged endorsers and misleads the public that is entrusted with upholding our democracy. I am very proud of all my endorsers and honored to have their support. You’ll find the complete, accurate list HERE.

We’re just days from the primary. Special shoutout to my endorsers the IBEW Local 103, which is sending their members all over the district to support us on Tuesday, and to the Merrimack Valley Central Labor Council which is sending members in their part of the district to do the same. We wouldn’t be here without any of you, and I can’t thank you enough.

Mara Dolan with a campaign supporter and yard sign
Mara Dolan on Zoom call with Brookline and Newton Democrats

If you’d like to help out on Tuesday, September 6th too, drop my great campaign director Christina Knowles an email right HERE.

Then come join us on Tuesday starting at 7:00 p.m. at Main Streets Café, 42 Main Street, Concord. We will have the place to ourselves and we are going to CELEBRATE!

We won't stop reaching out to voters until the polls close on Tuesday. Last night the Brookline and Newton Democrats hosted a joint meeting for all candidates, and I was honored to join them. Each and every one of you has made this campaign and where we are today possible. Our digital ads have been viewed over 300,000 times already, and we’re not stopping until Tuesday. Our radio spots are running throughout the day throughout the district. Our texting programs are reaching every single voter in the district with a verified cell phone. And our press coverage has been extraordinary, as the race people told us no one would care about has become one of the most talked about this primary season.

Donations can make a huge difference even this close to the primary. Every dollar you donate is one more voter we can reach, so please make a CONTRIBUTION today, help out on Tuesday, and join us Tuesday night in Concord for our celebration!

Take Care,



More Breaking News from GBH, March with Us as 1st Candidate in Biggest Parade in MA, and GOTV!


Boston Globe's Scot Lehigh: Voters Can Do the Entire State A Favor By Voting for Mara Dolan