Just Wrapping Up, Just Getting Started, and What's Even More Important

Hi Everyone!

First of all, I miss all of you! It’s been great to keep working to elect Democrats, and it’s wonderful to see supporters as I continue to work in our district to help elect our next Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Maura Healey and Kim Driscoll, along with our next State Auditor Diana DiZoglio, our Treasurer Deb Goldberg, and our Secretary of State Bill Galvin! Here I am with our next Attorney General Andrea Campbell at the Acton Democrats Picnic. I am so proud our ticket!

While my next campaign is mere months away, as we begin in earnest in January, I am already lining up new support from folks who are excited about getting in early and planning a strategy to make up just the 1,900 out of 98,000 votes we fell short last time. We came so very far in just five months, with two years this time we already have an extraordinary head start. We have just a tiny lit bit of fundraising to do to close the books on our 2022 campaign, so would greatly appreciate any support you can give.

To brighten your day and to wish you a very happy Halloween, here’s a pic of my grandson, Gavin. We have a lot to do to make sure all children in the United States have the future they deserve. I hope you are all working to support Democrats in crucial swing states like Val Demings in Florida, Cherie Beasley in North Carolina, Tim Ryan in Ohio, and John Fetterman in Pennsylvania. If you’d like to get involved, drop me a note and I’ll be proud to connect you.

We have a lot to appreciate in Massachusetts this year. The strongest Democratic ticket in years for Constitutional offices, led by outstanding women and all the confidence we need to uphold the integrity of our elections in our extraordinary Secretary of State Bill Galvin. He is now the senior Democratic elections official in the United States. It has never been more important. Everything you do between now and Election Day, November 8, 2022, will help. As my very dear friend and colleague Deb Kozikowski likes to say, “Every drop in the bucket adds up until it overflows.” Never think the drop you can contribute won’t make a difference. My friends, it will make all the difference. And remember Ukraine.

Take Care,



How Much Judges Matter, and the Ballot Improvement Coming Soon!


An Amazing Race! We Flipped 14 Towns and Came Within 1,400 Out of Over 98,000 Votes!